Friday, June 27, 2008

It's Nice to Be Nice

So, a weird thing happened today on my run. I actually made an effort to talk to another runner.

What have I become? Seriously?!! I hate people. They're the worst.

But let's back up to last night where this nicey niceness all started. My neighbor mommy friend invited me to a book club. Now, this woman is probably the nicest woman you've met, and if she hadn't made a huge effort to befriend me, I'd still be pining away for the East side and the Winco on 82nd and the wonderful mall shopping at the Crack in Your Ass Town Centre, but I digress.

So I'm at the book club meeting (I brought my own list of books I wanted to read. That's how I roll.) and I get to meet the old owner of my house. Now first of all, that's weird but cool at the same time. But get this! She's totally my type of people--meaning: smart, funny, bookish, SHE RUNS, and she even said....[wait for it] "that sucks ass." I had to hold myself back from giving her a bone-crushing hug.

Case closed. I will stalk her and make her be my running partner and new best friend. I've been so starved for real personality over here (not that the neighbor lady doesn't have a personality, but there's no eff bombs coming from that side of the street, if you catch my drift) . So there's my first new friend. And a postscript: she emailed me today to see if I wanted to run this afternoon. Alas, I had already run. I had that feeling like when you're in college and you're totally drunk and you give your number to a cute guy and he calls and you see him again and he's still cute and actually nice. Actually, that's never happened to me, but if I had to imagine, that's what it would feel like.

Rack it.

So then, today, I went for a hood run and down at the OES track was a woman running with a stroller. I cruise up behind her, say hello and then proceed to run and talk with the woman for a mile! Isn't that the most bizarre thing ever? I talked to someone and ran with them and then I got her email information for future runs. She's an urban planner even. I've never met one of those!

So there you have it. The nasty old nag is trying to make friends. Is it because I'm getting older? Is it because I've got the kids? Who knows, but it might not be so bad. Total disclaimer: this doesn't mean I still don't hate people, especially stupid little bitches that run in an all pink outfit with a pink iPod and a pink VISOR. Like, a GOLF VISOR. Ew.

Until tomorrow when Shaunmarie and I attempt my first long run in many moons. Six to eight up on Germantown. Also, dying to see Kara Goucher pull out the 10,000m win tonight. Good times(TM).

1 comment:

stephanie said...

You talked to someone while running?! Who are you, and what have you done with Sarah?