Friday, June 20, 2008

"I Feel Like Bacon"

I told Shaunmarie and Jeffy last Sunday that it was time for me to shit or get off the pot with this whole "injury" thing. So either I make an effort through PT, self-massage, cross training, etc. or I just run through the pain and shut the hell up. I mean, I'm used to beating myself up but this is enough already.

The aforementioned running duo and I did a little Esplanade route on Sunday morning with an little Broadway Bridge tacked on. Legs? Ok, but felt like I was running in deep sand.

Monday I ran in the hood for about 44 minutes, and felt so good about my legs and no hurting that I almost uttered the words "I'm cured!" But even though I didn't say them, I thought them and that's fucking good enough for the Gods (we're watching Rome. Whew, there was a lot of violence and sex back then. A lot of knives right through the ol' throat. That's my kind of living!).

Tuesday I took off. Wednesday I ran in Forest Park and had the nagging hamstring pain that threatened to explode so I only ran about 30 minutes. I was proud of myself to listen to the pain.
Thursday I took off, even though I didn't want to.

Today, Friday, I went running at 1:00pm. I must think I'm some sort of badass to run a non-shaded route on asphalt in the middle of the day. I was baking. I'd forgotten how heat just drains a person of energy. I blame it on the documentary I watched two weeks ago--Running on the Sun...all about the Badwater 135 mile run through Death Valley that ascends a mere 8000 feet. Those people are nutty. Seriously, running in 116 degrees without sleep for 28 hours? Holy crap. I guess I figured I could tackle good ol PDX in 75 degrees in June. PDX 1, Me 0.

So halfway through as I'm running around the BLACK track (don't you love the smell and feel of a track that's been baking in the sun? I could lay down and just take a big ol' whiff of that smell, I love it so bad). I said to myself: "I feel like bacon."

Then I had to do a whole deconstruction of I was like bacon (getting fried...usually has a lot of fat around the edges that some people like and some people burn off) and how I wasn't like bacon (it's a great tasting food and I'm pretty bitter when bitten into), you know the usual heat addled stuff.

So I cut the run short and headed home. Took the baby to the doctor--bronchitis. Sweet!

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