Monday, November 24, 2008

Week One Review

So, this was the first week of training. I ran four days (should have been five) and included my first long run of seven miles, which I did yesterday afternoon. I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Although some of the hilly sidewalk running did suck. But I kept a nice 10 minute mile pace, and I stopped occasionally to stretch.

Nothing to note about the run except that Jeffy totally let me down and didn't join me (nor did he call to decline, but that's Jeffy). I think he was scared. Poll question: does calling someone out on your blog motivate them to run with you on the weekends? Talk amongst yourselves.

So mileage total for this week was 20. I am going to run today at Forest Park to work out the kinks. Should be a good one.

By the way, that running log I mentioned ( Is the WORST thing ever. In the details section where you can write about things? It won't allow you to use quotations marks, parentheses, and other common punctuation marks. Needless to say I shot off an email telling them about it and have returned to, which has gotten a facelift! I love it.

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