Saturday, November 22, 2008

Calorie Counting Gone Awry

So today was a big day for me--the return to the weekend morning run. My plan was to run for an hour, or about six miles. Got up at 630, ate a little breakfast and headed out. The weather was perfect--a little nippy but totally fine. In fact, I could have worn a t-shirt. It was light enough that I didn't have to wear my sweet reflective vest (the only time that thing has been worn is at the old house when I spent an entire day cleaning the house. Safety first.)

So imagine my surprise when I found myself struggling for the first seven minutes or so. Then for the next 30 minutes or so, and then finally all the way to the fucking end of this run! I was dying. Legs were like posts, breathing was irregular, my form kept breaking down. I became one of those people who move their arms in circles as they run. You've seen them. As Coach told me, it's just a waste of energy and you look like a moron to REAL RUNNERS LIKE ME.

So, this entire week I've been entering everything I eat into a Calorie Counter log. I love it. But I decided in my never ending quest to lose weight to only eat 1400 calories a day. Now, that's not easy people. Especially when you've spent the last two months eating the equivalent of a second dinner right before bed.

So I consulted my expert panel and I've decided to up my calories and see what happens. There is a training plan in place. However, it's not ready for prime time.

Two things from this run:

1. There is a house for sale whose real estate agent's first name is Muffie. Totally. And, I'll tell you what, if I'm going to pay 700,000 for a house, I'd feel pretty good buying from a Muffie.

2. Saw a house on my run that had two cars, each with a Penn State sticker. I'll be monitoring the situation. (edited to add: how about Penn State putting the smack down on Michigan State. Suckers.)

Next up: a run tomorrow with Jeffy. Hopefully six miles but he's already whining about it.

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