Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pssst. I ran today.

I did it. Finally. And it was wonderful. Fed my soul. I thought about how the past six months have been pretty difficult. Then I realized it hasn't been just the past six months. It's probably been years. And years. But after seeking counseling and getting the brain chemicals in line, I finally feel different. As in happier. Calmer. More content. It's the first time I've felt this way. I may have felt these things every now and then...and then as soon as I realized I was feeling them, they were gone.

Now I can deal with things. I can get the kids ready to go somewhere and not freak out. I can try to make new friends and not self analyze everything I do or say. I can let some things go. And I can enjoy my children and my husband. I'm not done by any means, but I do feel like I'm making a start. And after re-reading all these "Day one" or "Getting back on the horse" or "Today is the first day of the rest of my life" crappola entries, I'm happy to realize that there are no starting or ending points. It's just one big day. And I'm loving today.

And I loved the trail. It was pristine. So I gave money to Forest Park Conservancy. If you ever use the trails or visit Forest Park, give them some money. The place is magical.

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