Wednesday, January 23, 2008

At Long Last...Online Maps of Forest Park

Look what I found today. These are super sweet. I can't wait to print them.

Detailed maps of Forest Park!

Haven't run since Friday which is a record since I started my come back. I actually told Michael that I want it to rain so it warms up. I'd much rather run in warm(er) rain than in this freezing cold headwind crappola. I am a baby and I'm not feeling well. But come rain or shine I'm running tomorrow, Friday and a long run with Shaunmarie and Jennifer (an old Vian! who already ran the Boston Marathon...more on her in the Run Report from this coming Saturday I'm sure!)

Shaunmarie and I did run on Friday afternoon at Tryon State old route that Elf and I used to run. I told SM that Elf would be jealous. It's a pretty hilly pain in the ass route, but it's nice and paved. We held a pretty good pace and SM was sure to compliment my pace even though it wasn't fast.

The funniest thing was SM wearing a wool scarf while we ran. She is a hoot, that one.

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