Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Three Little Birds

So what's a runner to do when it's 70 degrees and sunny at the end of October? You guessed it. Run the Esplanade.

I chose this route for yesterday's run because I wanted to soak up some sun and get some good run report material.

Check and check.

First, I realized I'm overdoing it a bit on the weekends. On Saturday (during a sunbreak that included a lot of rain), I ran about six miles in an hour or so. Then Sunday I ran with Coach and the Schlickster for about 45 minutes. Now, the run after the long run is typically a recovery run. But Coach must not have heard that. Trying to keep up with his stride makes it virtually impossible to keep the run nice and easy. (Coach's favorite comment from past "easy" runs: "It's easy for me!")

Anyhoo! My tired legs (even with a day off) started at Via and continued downtown and the first incident occurred right before the Steel Bridge. Two novice cyclists (sans helmets and riding cruisers [I think that streamers off the handlebars would have been appropriate for these two asses]) come up behind me. The man passes me on my left, the woman passes me on the right. Already I think to myself "FUCKING idiots!" But lo and behold they surpass even that label when they come together right in front of me and STOP to talk!!!! Now I am not about to stop because I'm dying, so I run between them and say "Are you really going to stop right there? GAWD!" and continue on.

Of course they pass me in about ten seconds and I was DYING for a comment. Just dying for one because I was ready to roll some skulls. But they must have realized they were idiots because they kept their mouths shut. Damn it.

The next incident occurred in the Pearl District on about 11th or 12th. Now, I'm not sure if you all know this, but pedestrians who are standing on a corner get the right of way and cars SHOULD stop. I hate shoulding people, but it is the law (I think. I'm pretty sure.), and I'm dying for a car to hit me so I can sue some asses.

I stop at a corner and watch a car slow down and beep at a woman who looked like she was going to cross in front of the car. The car is going five miles an hour. I see the window is open and decide to take the opportunity to educate these stupid coolies in a hoop-di (hoopdy? hoop-dy?). I say to them: "You have to stop for pedestrians." And before I could even finish my sentence, I'm greeted with two huge birds out both car windows! Pleased with myself, I in turn flip them the bird! And all was well with the world, because my adrenalin surged and I could finish the run on a good note.

God, running downtown is good times. Even though I can't snot rocket, I love interacting with the peeps. Run on the trail today.

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