Monday, May 11, 2009

Update from Depression Central

Running? Not quite. The hamstring situation is very confusing and bizarre. I've got a chiropractic appointment on Thursday to throw down the gauntlet. Might lead me to a "specialist" in Vancouver. Basically after several months of sporadic running, chiropractic treatments and two enormous bars of bittersweet baking chocolate, the hamstring is no better, and maybe even worse.

I couldn't NOT run on Saturday in 70 degree temperatures and at about a mile in, the hammie starts talking. Five minutes later it shut down. I'm identifying the pain/weirdness in colors. When it's serious and threatens to do something bad, it's like a nice dark maroon. When it's just a nag (all day, every day), it's aquamarine, like my birth stone.

So, yesterday was Oliver's 2nd birthday, which also marks our second year in the house and one year six months since I began my "comeback."

Jeffy, stop reading here.

I'm pissed that I haven't reached any of my running goals. I'm pissed that I feel like a quitter and I'm pissed that I have no core strength. And I'm really pissed that I'm not focused enough to get some core strength.

The end. So, I'm pissed, but I am moving forward. Please lord, don't make me become a swimmer.

They don't care. As long as they have stinky lion and glow in the dark bone pajamas, they're fine.

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