Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I now have two running mantras that are supposed to help me through the marathon. One is totally lame but did help me through some bad runs.

Run through it--developed during a bad week of runs. Sometimes as I run I only concentrate on how badly things our going. My breathing, my legs, my speed, etc. Believe you me, if there's something to bitch about, I will do it! So during this run I told myself that I just need to run through it, because hopefully in about 3 or 4 minutes, I'll start feeling better. I know there will be some very dark times during the marathon, unless I suddenly become Wonder Woman and/or butterflies start flying out of my rear.

The other mantra came to me on Sunday, as I ran a very short trail run--2 Legit 2 Quit.

How does that song just pop into one's head, you may ask? Well, I'm not ashamed to say that I am probably the only person over the age of 33 who still watches the Real World. One of the guys on the show has been wearing a bracelet that says LEGIT. Which I totally need, BTW. [not so subtle birthday hint right here--march 23rd].

Tangent--why do new songs not incorporate hand movements? I mean, "I would Die 4u?" That's good stuff, people! And 2L2Q with its throat slashing at the end? Priceless!

I was in PA all last week because my grandfather was hospitalized and very sick. Needless to say I didn't run ONE DAY. Maybe because when I got there it snowed 4 inches, and then the high temperature was 22 degrees and my teeth froze in my head and I shouted "How can you live here???!!!" in the hospital parking lot (which is the tiniest parking lot on the planet).

So, after a week off, I'm back in the saddle, albeit with a sore hammy, but people, I am 2L2Q and am looking forward to completing this effing marathon with hair afire.


1 comment:

The O'Sheas said...

You go, little gangsta!