Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Best Run Ever

Totally was the best run ever...and only after an eight to ten day layoff (not even sure when I ran last...horrifying, I know!).

Thanks to the crazy snow, I've embraced my inner Betty Crocker and have been baking up a storm--challah (HOLLA!) bread, cookies, macaroni and cheese (with half and half--holla again!), so my belly is approaching 38 week status if you catch my drift.

"Those cookies done yet?"

Anyhoo, I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself because there is no possible way I can run when the streets are not plowed and there is ice under there and it's coooooooooold. But yesterday I broke down and decided to get a little physical exercise and walk to Zupans and probably go into debt from shopping there.

I opened the door and there is a fucking RUNNER right outside of my house. So, I walked right up to her (she was shuffling, obviously) and asked her how do you run in this shit? She proceeded to tell me about her great GoreTex Nike Pegasus shoes and how she just runs slowly. She and I agreed about the absolute need to run due to the whole craziness, mental illness issue. (tangent--as I'm telling Michael this story, he says "You talked to her? You hate talking to people.")

She looked down at my hiking boots and said, "You can run in those, I did it yesterday." So after we hugged and kissed goodbye (JK!!) I decided I was going to run to Zupans in my hiking boots, long underwear, jeans, cotton shirt, wool sweater, vest, jacket and ear muffs.

I have to say, it felt pretty good but good Lord was I hot when I got there! I also ran all the way home with a 1/2 gallon of milk, two pounds of butter (more cookies!), two huge blocks of cheese (mac and cheeeeeeese, woo hoo), a container of cream cheese and a box of pasta shells. The sound of a person running with a box of pasta in their backpack is enough to drive anyone crazy, but I was too excited to care.

So, today I decided to run. In gear and for longer than 15 minutes. I got out there and one of the first things that happened is that a person driving a pick-up made a point of clapping for me as he drove past. Now that's the way to start a run--a nice round of applause. I continued to run my route and found it wasn't difficult after all! Just focused on the road, just like a trail run, and avoid the ice. It rocked! The only difficult part was seeing all white for so long. I felt kind of blind.

And, I returned the favor when a mother of two asked me how it was to run and I told her it wasn't bad at all! Paying it forward yadda yadda yadda (what the fuck does that mean anyway? I kind of hate that phrase.)

So, the new UnderArmour Running shoes are coming out in January. My running hook up got me three pairs for 50 bucks a piece. Now that is a deal! These shoes are awesome. So much so I've been posting on message boards to try and start a viral obsession for these shoes so more stores will carry them. I'm nuts. I know it.

Anyhoo, that's it from West Side Central where the streets are not plowed but the cookies are fresh, yo.

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