Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kill Em All

So I did run on Wednesday and because I was too lazy to write a post, it's my favorite cop out, the bulleted list:
  • The run did totally kick my ass.
  • I got complimented on my new shoes by two ladies who lunch. I told them they were brand new and they said "not for long!" and I thought "that's the point, fatties! Get to running!" Ouch. I'm awful.
  • Again with the dogs. Two off-leash golden retrievers almost took my legs out. After they passed, the owner kept telling them to HEEL. Here's the thing: heel DOES NOT WORK. You can tell me all day that your dogs can heel. I have a nice big fat squirrel and a big fat T-bone that says your dog won't heel when you need it to. They're descended from WOLVES, people. Anything can distract them, especially on a trail. So knock it the fuck off with this heel bullshit.
  • Weird people with dogs. My favorite combination. This guy had FIVE dogs off-leash on the narrow trail--a ST. BERNARD, two labs, a jack russel and some other mutt. My favorite line: "They're friendly!" Well guess what asshole, I am totally not friendly and I'm going to kick your dog in the face, except that you look like the unabomber, so next time, when I have my mace, I'll mace you and your little dog too.
  • I felt like I had smoked ten packs of cigarettes right before running. I reminisced about a little back and forth Coach and I had during my very first Shamrock Run when I told him I had no lung capacity. And then he said if I could say lung capacity...and then I clocked him.
Today I ran (don't ask my why I skipped yesterday. I'm a shell of my former runner self.). And it was gorgeous, as you all know. It was a bit breezy and I could feel the wind ruffling my leg hair. Good times(TM). I did a quick 43 minutes and was glad I did.

I am five pounds away from posting before and after pictures. You'll want to tune in for that. Because geez, imagine 163 pounds on a five foot tall frame. It's so not pretty.

Oh, forgot to mention one thing about my trail run...about seven people passed me running mob deep. I again reminisced about our old Via runs. And I am so sad that I am running one person deep. It's so not fun. I miss those times but thankfully they were so awesome that I will never, ever forget them. However, if someone doesn't step up and try to become a running partner, I will kill em all (that's actually a Metallica album. Not their best one, obviously [Master], but I do like saying that).

This is for my Benji:

And this is the baby:

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